We are very pleased to announce that ASCS has won the Kokka Organizzazzjoni. This award is given annually to the Student Organisation that was mostly active on Campus during the academic year 2018/2019. This award was achieved due to the great number of successful and entertaining events and programmes achieved and done during the past year. The following are the events that made this Kokka possible.
Launch of Membership scheme
This year showed the introduction of a great first for ASCS, the launch of the membership scheme. This scheme offered free past-papers, offers with corporate sponsors and other outlets, the chance to win a flight and a free freshers’ pack filled with goodies. This scheme was a great success with 496 registered members.
Freshers’ week is ASCS’ biggest event year in, year out and this year was no exception. The membership scheme was launched during freshers with numerous freebies being distributed with the membership scheme. Free food and drinks were distributed on a daily basis. A selfie stand was set up as a way for students to express themselves at the freshers’ stand. The photo which would got the most reactions was eligible to win a free flight with Air Malta.The annual live-in was launched during Freshers’ with a record breaking 120 students signing up. The annual Business trip was announced was also heavily promoted on the stand. Academic help was given on a daily basis on the stand to any students needing help. Daily university tours were also being given to the first-year students to help them become familiar with the environment.The Fresher’s talk was organised which was a great success.
Industry events
Unpuzzle Your Future
This was an innovative event which took place over the summer. This event was a sort of online swipe right where job vacancies (which were relevant to the business sector) were advertised for FEMA students. ASCS received a large number of applications with many of these applications resulting with students getting employed to this very day.
Swipe Right
The second ever edition of Swipe Right was organised this year. It was a unique opportunity for students to seek employment in an industry related to their studies. Students had the opportunity to swipe right to those companies which they were interested in whereby they were given the chance to be invited to a follow-up interview if the respective company deemed the candidate to be the perfect match.Over 100 applications were received with the demand being so great that the venue taken was changed to a bigger one (the ICT auditorium). Renowned companies from a vast number of industries were invited to participate; including areas including Accountancy, Insurance, Marketing, Banking, IT and many others.
ASCS Wine Estate Visit
ASCS collaborated with Meridiana Wine Estate in Ta’ Qali to offer the students this unique opportunity of visiting their wine cellars. This visit consisted of a detailed tour of the Meridiana Wine Estate, their premises and an insight into their current operations and processes. Such visit, which was free of charge, was aimed towards all FEMA students, however non-FEMA students were also welcomed to join.
Crypto Campus
A conference was set up as to educate the ASCS members on innovation happening in the Blockchain sector. This is increasingly important due to the increasing number of blockchain companies setting up in Malta. Crypto Campus aimed to educate students at the University of Malta, whilst mainly focusing on blockchain technologies from the perspective of 3 different industries, namely Law, Business and Engineering. The conference featured a number of high-profile speakers who shared their views on blockchain technologies, in relation to the Maltese scenario. A panel discussion was also held and subsequently followed by presentations. The event also included a mini reception and towards the end, students were presented with a certificate of participation which was awarded to all participants. Such conference received numerous positive views from the students as they felt that it enhanced their knowledge with respect to blockchain technology.
EY Generate
ASCS were also invited to take part in EY Generate, an event which targeted secondary school students to become familiar with the latest blockchain technologies as well as Artificial Intelligence.
Science in the City
ASCS took part in Science in the City with the section called STEAM Squared with 20 other organisations. Multiple games and events were held such as the Logo Game, virtual reality, Budget your life, Riddle Game, Sticks Risk Game and a JAYE Panel: Entrepreneurship in Different Industries – Panel Discussion.
ASCS definitely broke barriers when it came to International trips this year. Two record breaking trips were organized this year. The business trip (Lisbon Business Trip – Ola’ Lisbon) and the student exchange (This is America: ASCS Student Exchange 2019). On the Lisbon Business Trip – Ola’ Lisbon 110 students were taken to Lisbon with all batches of tickets being sold within minutes or hours. The Lisbon trip included many excursions such a visit to Porto, walking tour in Lisbon, a wine tasting tour in Torres Verdras amongst others.The student exchange ‘This is America: ASCS Student Exchange 2019’ sold out almost immediately. The America trip included visits to New York, Washington DC and Philadelphia. The trip was jam packed with events with visits to Manhattan, Central park, visits to Delaware, walking tour around Central DC, the White house etc. Students also had the opportunity to partake in lectures at George Mason University in Philadelphia. It allowed the students to experience student life in the USA.
Erasmus Talk
ASCS organised a talk which was aimed towards explaining in great detail the programme of studies as well as the Erasmus-related opportunities out there to all those eligible students.
PR and Branding
ASCS’ branding was taken to a whole new level this year, starting from social media posts to the logo and the promotion of events and campaigns.
ASCS managed to achieve one of its main goals for this year. This was the launch of the ASCS official website. Thus, this year’s Executive has managed to achieve a 5-year long venture.
This year ASCS have Association of Students of Commercial Studies managed to increase the Facebook page following to 4,000 which saw an increase from last year. Continuing on last year’s trend, ASCS uploaded posts to commemorate certain events such as Easter, Europe Day, Women’s day amongst many others. These posters were used to boost the profile of the brand as well as more inclusion with students. All posters presented a strong and compelling concept with consistent execution of the brand and colours.
Meet the Exec
This is an annual event designed to celebrate the new executive team and establish new relationships between student organizations which was held on Tuesday 17th July at Playa del Sol. The event saw the attendance of over 100 students.
Ġungla: The Open bar
ASCS wanted to organise a wild-themed open bar for the Summer would be dubbed the best one yet. It took place on the 8th of August and included a 4-hour premium branded bar at Cabo Terrace. The event was a wild success.
Licence to Grill
This event signifies ASCS’ annual Summer BBQ which was organised to bring all prospective first year students as well as other students, who frequent our events, together to relax and unwind on one of the most beautiful beaches in Malta.
Ready Steady Drink: Freshers’ Party
This was a social event held on the 6th of October at Surfside which was aimed for those first years wanting to become familiar with ASCS’ events. Around 80 students attended in all.
Pink Movember Festival
With Pink October and Movember drawing to a close, ASCS collaborated with MHSA and S-cubed for the first ever edition of the ‘Pink Movember Festival’. This event included headlining bands and artists who were set to perform cover versions and even original songs.
Sleigh Away: The Christmas Pub crawl
Our signature Christmas-themed pub crawl took place once again on the 19th of December. This was a successful event where there was an attendance of around 50 students.
Limitless: Open bar
This was an open bar which took place on the 15th of March at Magazino Hall. This event saw the attendance of about 80 students.
Awards’ Night
This Awards’ Night took place at Tigullio whereby the winners of the Business Challenge were announced. Further individual awards for characters who outshined others were also awarded.
Health is Wealth Campaign
Health is Wealth was a campaign held in collaboration with University Organisations, aimed at informing and educating the student body of the financial effects, costs and benefits, of living a healthy lifestyle. During this campaign, ASCS collaborated with UM Futsal, MMSA, MHSA, Betapsi, Wolves Rugby, UM Rowing and Fondazzjoni Pippo. Many events took place under the Health is Wealth umbrella. These were the following:● Football tournament;● Health checks;● Other sports;● Free food being distributed; and,● Daily panel discussions.
Other Initiatives
Apart from attendance to KPS meetings, the Policy Officer made it a point to writea column on the following (which were posted on our Facebook page):● Budget Review;● EY Malta Attractiveness Survey; and,● ASCS Reaction: The European Parliament bans Unpaid Internships.
Meeting with the Minister and Registrar
ASCS was in constant contact with the Minister for Education this year to help out with the relevant problems FEMA students face throughout their year. Hon Evarist Bartolo helped out very effectively in this regard.
Majors’ Talk
The scope of this talk was to inform and explain the 7 majors offered to students and the process of application, providing students with both the perspective of current and past students and faculty heads of department and lecturers. A record breaking 118 students were present for the event.
Economic Honours Talk
The main of this event was to keep 3rd year students informed about the course, through a detailed presentation. 19 students were present for this talk.
In addition to the above, ASCS also organised/collaborated in numerous smaller scale initiatives, consisting of the following:
● The KSU Financial Workshop: For the 4th year running, ASCS collaborated with KSU and KPMG to bring the newly elected financial officers to the financial workshops to be able to become more aware of the role itself and what it entails;
○ Meetings with stakeholders concerned, sponsors as well as the faculty, namely the Dean: Constant meetings were held with stakeholders concerned, the Dean of the Faculty and the sponsors in order to keep good relations with the latter;
○ Cake and Lemonade for Kenya: This was a small-scale event, in which cake and lemonade was sold in aid of charity; Association of Students of Commercial Studies - Meeting with dignitaries: Constant meetings were held with ministers, such as the Minister for Education Hon. Evarist Bartolo, frequently to expose ASCS’ work to the policy-makers of our country and to try and get some help from their end;
○ ASCS goes Pink: This event was once again organised, whereby pink pancakes were sold, with all funds being donated towards charity;
○ Subcommittee Event at Velocity Trampoline Park: This event was organised with the aim of engaging in a team-building exercise with the subcommittee members to help them feel more welcomed within the ASCS family;
○ Attendance to various organisations’ events, such as the Human Rights Forum by the President: ASCS made it a point to be present at such an event;
○ Christmas on Campus: Santa’s Hot Choc: This event was organised, together with KSU, in aid of the Christmas on Campus initiative whereby funds were raised towards charity;
○ Kelmtejn mal-Attivisti: ASCS was also invited by the Social Policy Office to have a SAFE space to speak about its policy related initiatives on Campus FM;
○ ASCS at Campus Fest: ASCS also took part in Campus Fest by organising an activity which would suit the event itself;
○ ASCS also participated in the KSU Rent a Toga Initiative;
○ Participating in the bottle caps initiative whereby 55,000 bottle caps were collected;
○ Pancake Event – SDM and Pink October: ASCS collaborated together with SDM during their student activism activity week, during which they sold orange pancakes; and,
○ Climate march with KSU – ASCS made it a point to attend the nationwide climate march.
It goes without saying that without the hard work and determination of the executive members of ASCS of 2018/19 this award could never had been possible. The ASCS members that supported the events and activities that ASCS created were the backbone of what made this award possible. The members continue to be the main driving force of what makes ASCS great. We wish good luck to the new ASCS executive as to reach the same heights and go even higher to achieve great things for the students they opt to serve.