Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a technology that allows computers and machines to perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence or intervention. Whilst many of us have utilised this technology in one form or another, few know the implications it will have on our future career opportunities.
Automation & Augmentation
AI can be broadly categorised into two categories; automation and augmentation. What is the difference and should you be concerned?
Automation mainly refers to the process of reducing human intervention to achieve an outcome. Whilst automation has been around for quite some time, it was always rule-based, meaning that a human set up rules for a machine to follow, and only within those parameters would the automation take place. AI will execute ‘intelligent automation’ which is the combination of AI, business process management, and potentially robotic processes. So how is this reflected in the real world? Putting it simply, it can automatically file documents, reply to live chat conversations and automate complex workflows to name a few. Hopefully, that was simple enough.
Contrastingly, augmentation is a little less scary. The main purpose of augmentation is to enhance human intelligence and potential (just as you use ChatGPT to help you with writing assignments). What does this really mean? Well, humans are pretty darn intelligent (we did create artificial intelligence after all), but sometimes a little boost is needed, this boost could be anything from analysing medical images to launching rockets into orbit. Augmented human intelligence is the use of AI in conjunction with our very own intelligence, rather than operating as a separate entity or replacing human intelligence entirely.
So what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Automation provides a multitude of advantages, mainly:
- Time efficiency,
- Reliability,
- Compliance, &
- Reduced costs.
From a business point of view, who wouldn’t want that? But, from an employee’s perspective, that sounds a lot like unemployment. A prediction of 85 million job displacements was made by the World Economic Forum back in 2020.
Contrastingly, augmentation allows for:
- Enhanced-decision making, which is ultimately done by humans (which has the added benefit of consciousness and ethical implications).
- Increased efficiency and productivity, which could leave more space for human workers to focus on more creativity and complex tasks at hand.
- The main disadvantage lies within those people who need help to adapt to this new technology.
Is there a clear winner?
No. However, a combination of both could lead to the best way forward. This combination leads to an upskilling of the workers, rather than deskilling. Additionally, this artificial intelligence revolution is set out to create an estimated 97 million new jobs.
Is your career in danger of being replaced by AI?
Yes, but not exactly. Artificial Intelligence will affect roughly 40% of jobs around the globe, replacing some and complimenting others. Different occupations have varying levels of exposure, the highest three being:
1. Market research analytics and marketing specialists,
2. Sales managers, &
3. Computer programmers.
Additionally, levels of exposure vary according to the level of education tied with the respective occupation. Those with a Bachelor’s Degree and Post-Graduate certifications have the highest level of exposure (yes, I'm sweating bullets too), whilst those with Secondary education or lower are the least prone.
What can you do to adapt to this new reality?
Though the contents of this article are not highly positive, not all hope is lost. We have already established that more jobs will be created than those lost. However, since most of us have already mapped out a career in our minds, or are already working, you may think to yourself that you’re essentially in deep trouble and you cannot dig yourself out of this mess. Not to worry, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The following are some solutions to the AI revolution:
1. You are human. You have emotions, compassion, and an inner creativity that artificial intelligence cannot match. Remember that AI is built on data created by humans, therefore it is limited to what has been created so far in history. Focus on excelling in human-centric skills, such as problem-solving and soft skills.
2. Invest in yourself. It is beautiful to learn new things and discover intriguing interests, let AI be one of them. Empower yourself by learning the fundamentals of AI and work yourself up to a pro. Collaborating with AI will allow you to dedicate your time to more meaningful activities, enhancing your quality of life.
3. Upskilling. Understanding how AI can aid you in your studies and/or career will make your contribution to society more relevant.
4. Ethics. Use your human voice to advocate the fair use of AI. Engage in debates, provide constructive criticism, and fight for a sustainable future.
What does ChatGPT think?
You’d be surprised to know that ChatGPT actually wrote this article… no, it didn’t, but I hope that it made you sigh. However, I did ask ChatGPT what it thought about the topic at hand, and it had this to say “while AI will undoubtedly reshape the job market and future careers, it is likely to both eliminate some roles and create new opportunities. Adapting to these changes will require a proactive approach to education, training, and career planning.”
The rise of Artificial Intelligence and its inescapable impact on our future career opportunities can be quite daunting. However, there is action to be taken; whether it be by ourselves (learning how to benefit from AI and improving ourselves), employers (ethically integrating AI and providing training to current employees), governments (creating regulations that promote business innovation without the expense of employees) or the scientists (taking ethical considerations seriously and knowing when to stop) who are actively developing AI. It is in the present that the future is created.
Cameron, M. (2023) Council post: Navigating the future of work: 10 ways to prepare for the AI workplace, Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/12/18/navigating-the-future-of-work10-ways-to-prepare-for-the-ai-workplace/ (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
Georgieva, K. (2024) Ai will transform the global economy. let’s make sure it benefits humanity., IMF. Available at: https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2024/01/14/ai-will-transform-the-global-economy-lets -make-sure-it-benefits-humanity (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
IBM AI Ethics (2024) Best practices for augmenting human intelligence with ai, IBM Blog. Available at: https://www.ibm.com/blog/best-practices-for-augmenting-human-intelligence-with-ai/ (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
Marr, B. (2024) Hype or reality: Will ai really take over your job?, Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2024/05/15/hype-or-reality-will-ai-really-take-ove r-your-job/#:~:text=The%20impact%20of%20AI%20on,be%20automated%20in%20this%2 0way. (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
Mura, M., Maxim, R. and Whiton, J. (2019) What jobs are affected by Ai? - Brookings Institution. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/2019.11.20_BrookingsMetro_Wh at-jobs-are-affected-by-AI_Report_Muro-Whiton-Maxim.pdf (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
Recession and automation changes our future of work, but there are jobs coming, report says (no date) World Economic Forum. Available at: https://www.weforum.org/press/2020/10/recession-and-automation-changes-our-future-ofwork-but-there-are-jobs-coming-report-says-52c5162fce/ (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? (2023) IBM. Available at: https://www.ibm.com/topics/artificial-intelligence (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
What is automation? (2021a) IBM. Available at: https://www.ibm.com/topics/automation (Accessed: 16 July 2024).
What is automation? (2021b) IBM. Available at: https://www.ibm.com/topics/automation (Accessed: 16 July 2024).